War of 1812 Accrostic poem

W is for Washington. When the British took over Washington they burnt down MANY buildings!

A is for Attack. On June 18, 1812 the U.S. declared war and the first thing they did was inveade canada.

R stands for results. The end of the war resulted in long term peace beetween both sides.


O is for New Orleans. The final major battle of the war was the Battle of New Orleans.

F is for fight. In 1814 the British began to fight back when the U.S. was fighting them.


1 is for 1814. The British were gaining ground until the Battle of Baltimore which lasted 3 days from September 12-15, 1814.

8 is for January 8. The Battle of New Orleans lasted from December 24, 1814 to January 8, 1815.

1 is for 1814. British forces attacked Washington D.C. on August  24, 1814.

2 is for 2 leaders. The U.S was lead by James Maddison. Thd U.K was lead by Prince Regent.

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